Here Is How I Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
14 Day Let’s Get Started Programme
Would you like an easy way to get started on the road to looking & feeling fantastic?
Do you want to start to lose weight and improve your body confidence but would rather do it from the comfort of my own home but with the support of other similar women?
Would you like to follow a brief path that fits your life and actually works, whilst still living and having fun and you don’t have to do any crazy diets or bonkers 2 hour workouts? (lots of ands, lol)
Do you never have enough time but know you need to do something?
Would you love all the information, videos and access to your coach at your fingertips where you can access it instantly?
S.O. You (Spanx Off) Programme
Would you like to head towards the festive period without thinking where your next pair of Spanx are coming from?
Do you know you have changes to make and are really determined to do this year but do still need to be accountable to someone or some likeminded women and be supported every step of the way?
Do you need a programme that fits you and your life and makes the journey personal to you, not just a generic ‘one size may fit all’?
Would you like a programme to be designed and led by a real woman who has been there (not a skinny in lycra, no offence to those ladies) and someone who really knows what they are talking about?
The DIY Detox
Would you like to have a short, easy plan that you can follow in your own time with you deciding the start date?
Would you still like to have online support if you need it?
Do you know when your body could do with a little detoxing and would just like to get on with it?
Would you like to fill you fabulous body with fresh fruits & veg, good fats & healthy protein and feel so clean and healthy in just 5 days?
Are you ready to cleanse the system and have the motivation to go it alone for 5 days?